Q|arith                                |Arithmetic quantities
S|arith.diff                           |Difference between two quantities described by the same UCD
P|arith.factor                         |Numerical factor
P|arith.grad                           |Gradient
P|arith.rate                           |Rate (per time unit)
S|arith.ratio                          |Ratio between two quantities described by the same UCD
Q|arith.zp                             |Zero point
S|em                                   |Electromagnetic spectrum
S|em.IR                                |Infrared part of the spectrum
S|em.IR.15-30um                        |Infrared between 15 and 30 micron
S|em.IR.3-4um                          |Infrared between 3 and 4 micron
S|em.IR.30-60um                        |Infrared between 30 and 60 micron
S|em.IR.4-8um                          |Infrared between 4 and 8 micron
S|em.IR.60-100um                       |Infrared between 60 and 100 micron
S|em.IR.8-15um                         |Infrared between 8 and 15 micron
S|em.IR.FIR                            |Far-Infrared, 30-100 microns
S|em.IR.H                              |Infrared between 1.5 and 2 micron
S|em.IR.J                              |Infrared between 1.0 and 1.5 micron
S|em.IR.K                              |Infrared between 2 and 3 micron
S|em.IR.MIR                            |Medium-Infrared, 5-30 microns
S|em.IR.NIR                            |Near-Infrared, 1-5 microns
S|em.UV                                |Ultraviolet part of the spectrum
S|em.UV.10-50nm                        |Ultraviolet between 10 and 50 nm
S|em.UV.100-200nm                      |Ultraviolet between 100 and 200 nm
S|em.UV.200-300nm                      |Ultraviolet between 200 and 300 nm
S|em.UV.50-100nm                       |Ultraviolet between 50 and 100 nm
S|em.UV.FUV                            |Far-Ultraviolet
S|em.X-ray                             |X-ray part of the spectrum
S|em.X-ray.hard                        |Hard X-ray (12 - 120 keV)
S|em.X-ray.medium                      |Medium X-ray (2 - 12 keV)
S|em.X-ray.soft                        |Soft X-ray (0.12 - 2 keV)
Q|em.bin                               |Channel / instrumental spectral bin coordinate (bin number)
Q|em.energy                            |Energy value in the em frame
Q|em.freq                              |Frequency value in the em frame
S|em.gamma                             |Gamma rays part of the spectrum
S|em.gamma.hard                        |Hard gamma ray (>500 keV)
S|em.gamma.soft                        |Soft gamma ray (120 - 500 keV)
S|em.line                              |Designation of major atomic lines
S|em.line.HI                           |21cm hydrogen line
S|em.line.Brgamma                      |Bracket gamma line
S|em.line.Halpha                       |H-alpha line
S|em.line.Hbeta                        |H-beta line
S|em.line.Hgamma                       |H-gamma line
S|em.line.Hdelta                       |H-delta line
S|em.line.Lyalpha                      |H-Lyalpha line
S|em.line.OIII                         |[OIII] line whose rest wl is 500.7 nm
S|em.line.CO                           |CO radio line, e.g. 12CO(1-0) rest wl 115GHz
S|em.mm                                |Millimetric part of the spectrum
S|em.mm.100-200GHz                     |Millimetric between 100 and 200 GHz
S|em.mm.1500-3000GHz                   |Millimetric between 1500 and 3000 GHz
S|em.mm.200-400GHz                     |Millimetric between 200 and 400 GHz
S|em.mm.30-50GHz                       |Millimetric between 30 and 50 GHz
S|em.mm.400-750GHz                     |Millimetric between 400 and 750 GHz
S|em.mm.50-100GHz                      |Millimetric between 50 and 100 GHz
S|em.mm.750-1500GHz                    |Millimetric between 750 and 1500 GHz
S|em.opt                               |Optical part of the spectrum
S|em.opt.B                             |Optical band between 400 and 500 nm
S|em.opt.I                             |Optical band between 750 and 1000 nm
S|em.opt.R                             |Optical band between 600 and 750 nm
S|em.opt.U                             |Optical band between 300 and 400 nm
S|em.opt.V                             |Optical band between 500 and 600 nm
S|em.radio                             |Radio part of the spectrum
S|em.radio.100-200MHz                  |Radio between 100 and 200 MHz
S|em.radio.12-30GHz                    |Radio between 12 and 30 GHz
S|em.radio.1500-3000MHz                |Radio between 1500 and 3000 MHz
S|em.radio.20-100MHz                   |Radio between 20 and 100 MHz
S|em.radio.200-400MHz                  |Radio between 200 and 400 MHz
S|em.radio.3-6GHz                      |Radio between 3 and 6 GHz
S|em.radio.400-750MHz                  |Radio between 400 and 750 MHz
S|em.radio.6-12GHz                     |Radio between 6 and 12 GHz
S|em.radio.750-1500MHz                 |Radio between 750 and 1500 MHz
Q|em.wavenumber                        |Wavenumber value in the em frame
Q|em.wl                                |Wavelength value in the em frame
Q|em.wl.central                        |Central wavelength
Q|em.wl.effective                      |Effective wavelength
Q|instr                                |Instrument
E|instr.background                     |Instrumental background
Q|instr.bandpass                       |Bandpass (e.g.: band name) of instrument
Q|instr.bandwidth                      |Bandwidth of the instrument
Q|instr.baseline                       |Baseline for interferometry
S|instr.beam                           |Beam
Q|instr.calib                          |Calibration parameter
S|instr.det                            |Detector
Q|instr.det.noise                      |Instrument noise
Q|instr.det.psf                        |Point Spread Function
Q|instr.det.qe                         |Quantum efficiency
Q|instr.dispersion                     |Dispersion of a spectrograph
S|instr.filter                         |Filter
S|instr.fov                            |Field of view
S|instr.obsty                          |Observatory, satellite, mission
Q|instr.obsty.seeing                   |Seeing
Q|instr.offset                         |Offset angle respect to main direction of observation
Q|instr.order                          |Spectral order in a spectrograph
Q|instr.param                          |Various instrumental parameters
S|instr.pixel                          |Pixel (default size: angular)
S|instr.plate                          |Photographic plate
Q|instr.plate.emulsion                 |Plate emulsion
Q|instr.precision                      |Instrument precision
Q|instr.saturation                     |Instrument saturation threshold
Q|instr.scale                          |Instrument scale (for CCD, plate, image)
Q|instr.sensitivity                    |Instrument sensitivity, detection threshold
Q|instr.setup                          |Instrument configuration or setup
Q|instr.skyLevel                       |Sky level
Q|instr.skyTemp                        |Sky temperature
Q|instr.tel                            |Telescope
Q|instr.tel.focalLength                |Telescope focal length
P|meta                                 |Metadata
P|meta.abstract                        |Abstract (of paper, proposal,etc.)
P|meta.bib                             |Bibliographic reference
P|meta.bib.author                      |Author name
P|meta.bib.bibcode                     |Bibcode
P|meta.bib.fig                         |Figure in a paper
P|meta.bib.journal                     |Journal name
P|meta.bib.page                        |Page number
P|meta.bib.volume                      |Volume number
P|meta.code                            |Code or flag
P|meta.code.class                      |Classification code
P|meta.code.error                      |limit uncertainty error flag
P|meta.code.member                     |Membership code
P|meta.code.mime                       |MIME type
P|meta.code.multip                     |Multiplicity or binarity flag
P|meta.code.qual                       |Quality, precision, reliability flag or code
P|meta.code.status                     |Status code (e.g.: status of a proposal/observation)
P|meta.cryptic                         |Unknown or impossible to understand quantity
P|meta.curation                        |Identity of man/organization responsible for the data
Q|meta.dataset                         |Dataset
Q|meta.email                           |Curation/contact e-mail
S|meta.file                            |File
S|meta.fits                            |FITS standard
P|meta.id                              |Identifier, name or designation
P|meta.id.assoc                        |Identifier of associated counterpart
P|meta.id.CoI                          |Name of Co-Investigator
P|meta.id.cross                        |Cross identification
P|meta.id.parent                       |Identification of parent source
P|meta.id.part                         |Part of identifier, suffix or sub-component
P|meta.id.PI                           |Name of Principal Investigator
S|meta.main                            |Main value of something
S|meta.modelled                        |Quantity was produced by a model
P|meta.note                            |Note or remark (longer than a code or flag)
P|meta.number                          |Number (of things; e.g. nb of object in an image)
P|meta.record                          |Record number
P|meta.ref                             |Reference, or origin
Q|meta.ref.ivorn                       |IVORN, Int. VO Resource Name (ivo://)
Q|meta.ref.uri                         |URI, universal resource identifier
P|meta.ref.url                         |URL, web address
S|meta.software                        |Software used in generating data
S|meta.table                           |Table or catalogue
P|meta.title                           |Title or explanation
Q|meta.ucd                             |UCD
P|meta.unit                            |Unit
P|meta.version                         |Version
S|obs                                  |Observation
Q|obs.airMass                          |Airmass
S|obs.atmos                            |Atmosphere, atmospheric phenomena affecting an observation
Q|obs.atmos.extinction                 |Atmospheric extinction
Q|obs.atmos.refractAngle               |Atmospheric refraction angle
S|obs.calib                            |Calibration observation
S|obs.calib.flat                       |Related to flat-field calibration observation (dome, sky, ..)
S|obs.exposure                         |Exposure
S|obs.field                            |Region covered by the observation
S|obs.image                            |Image
Q|obs.observer                         |Observer, discoverer
Q|obs.param                            |Various observation or reduction parameter
S|obs.proposal                         |Observation proposal
Q|obs.proposal.cycle                   |Proposal cycle
S|obs.sequence                         |Sequence of observations, exposures or events
E|phot                                 |Photometry
E|phot.antennaTemp                     |Antenna temperature
Q|phot.calib                           |Photometric calibration
C|phot.color                           |Color index or magnitude difference
Q|phot.color.excess                    |color excess
Q|phot.color.reddFree                  |Dereddened color
E|phot.count                           |Flux expressed in counts
E|phot.fluence                         |fluence
E|phot.flux                            |Photon flux
Q|phot.flux.bol                        |Bolometric flux
E|phot.flux.density                    |Flux density (per wl/freq/energy interval)
E|phot.flux.density.sb                 |Flux density surface brightness
E|phot.flux.sb                         |Flux surface brightness
E|phot.limbDark                        |Limb-darkening coefficients
E|phot.mag                             |Photometric magnitude
E|phot.mag.bc                          |Bolometric correction
Q|phot.mag.bol                         |Bolometric magnitude
Q|phot.mag.distMod                     |Distance modulus
E|phot.mag.reddFree                    |Dereddened magnitude
E|phot.mag.sb                          |Surface brightness in magnitude units
Q|phys                                 |Physical quantities
Q|phys.SFR                             |Star formation rate
E|phys.absorption                      |Extinction or absorption along the line of sight
Q|phys.absorption.coeff                |Absorption coefficient (e.g. in a spectral line)
Q|phys.absorption.gal                  |Galactic extinction
Q|phys.absorption.opticalDepth         |Optical depth
Q|phys.abund                           |Abundance
Q|phys.abund.Fe                        |Fe/H abundance
Q|phys.abund.X                         |Hydrogen abundance
Q|phys.abund.Y                         |Helium abundance
Q|phys.abund.Z                         |Metallicity abundance
Q|phys.acceleration                    |Acceleration
Q|phys.albedo                          |Albedo or reflectance
Q|phys.angArea                         |Angular area
Q|phys.angMomentum                     |Angular momentum
E|phys.angSize                         |Angular size width diameter dimension extension major minor axis extraction radius
E|phys.angSize.smajAxis                |angular size extent or extension of semi-major axis
E|phys.angSize.sminAxis                |angular size extent or extension of semi-minor axis
Q|phys.area                            |Area (in linear units)
S|phys.atmol                           |Atomic and molecular physics (shared properties)
Q|phys.atmol.branchingRatio            |Branching ratio
Q|phys.atmol.collisional               |Related to collisions
Q|phys.atmol.collStrength              |Collisional strength
Q|phys.atmol.configuration             |Configuration
Q|phys.atmol.crossSection              |Atomic / molecular cross-section
Q|phys.atmol.element                   |Element
Q|phys.atmol.excitation                |Atomic molecular excitation parameter
Q|phys.atmol.final                     |Quantity refers to atomic/molecular final/ground state, level, ecc.
Q|phys.atmol.initial                   |Quantity refers to atomic/molecular initial state, level, ecc.
Q|phys.atmol.ionStage                  |Ion, ionization stage
S|phys.atmol.ionization                |Related to ionization
Q|phys.atmol.lande                     |Lande factor
S|phys.atmol.level                     |Atomic level
Q|phys.atmol.lifetime                  |Lifetime of a level
Q|phys.atmol.lineShift                 |Line shifting coefficient
Q|phys.atmol.number                    |Atomic number Z
Q|phys.atmol.oscStrength               |Oscillator strength
Q|phys.atmol.parity                    |Parity
Q|phys.atmol.qn                        |Quantum number
Q|phys.atmol.radiationType             |Type of radiation characterizing atomic lines (electric dipole/quadrupole, magnetic dipole)
Q|phys.atmol.symmetry                  |Type of nuclear spin symmetry
Q|phys.atmol.sWeight                   |Statistical weight
Q|phys.atmol.sWeight.nuclear           |Statistical weight for nuclear spin states
Q|phys.atmol.term                      |Atomic term
S|phys.atmol.transition                |Transition between states
Q|phys.atmol.transProb                 |Transition probability, Einstein A coefficient
Q|phys.atmol.wOscStrength              |Weighted oscillator strength
Q|phys.atmol.weight                    |Atomic weight
Q|phys.columnDensity                   |Column density
S|phys.composition                     |Quantities related to composition of objects
Q|phys.composition.massLightRatio      |Mass to light ratio
Q|phys.composition.yield               |Mass yield
S|phys.cosmology                       |Related to cosmology
Q|phys.damping                         |Generic damping quantities
Q|phys.density                         |Density (of mass, electron, ...)
Q|phys.dielectric                      |Complex dielectric function
Q|phys.dispMeasure                     |Dispersion measure
V|phys.electField                      |Electric field
S|phys.electron                        |Electron
Q|phys.electron.degen                  |Electron degeneracy parameter
Q|phys.emissMeasure                    |Emission measure
Q|phys.emissivity                      |Emissivity
Q|phys.energy                          |Energy
Q|phys.energy.density                  |Energy-density
Q|phys.entropy                         |Entropy
Q|phys.eos                             |Equation of state
Q|phys.excitParam                      |Excitation parameter U
Q|phys.gauntFactor                     |Gaunt factor/correction
Q|phys.gravity                         |Gravity
Q|phys.ionizParam                      |Ionization parameter
Q|phys.ionizParam.coll                 |Collisional ionization
Q|phys.ionizParam.rad                  |Radiative ionization
E|phys.luminosity                      |Luminosity
Q|phys.luminosity.fun                  |Luminosity function
E|phys.magAbs                          |Absolute magnitude
Q|phys.magAbs.bol                      |Bolometric absolute magnitude
V|phys.magField                        |Magnetic field
Q|phys.mass                            |Mass
Q|phys.mass.loss                       |Mass loss
Q|phys.mol                             |Molecular data
Q|phys.mol.dipole                      |Molecular dipole
Q|phys.mol.dipole.electric             |Molecular electric dipole moment
Q|phys.mol.dipole.magnetic             |Molecular magnetic dipole moment
Q|phys.mol.dissociation                |Molecular dissociation
Q|phys.mol.formationHeat               |Formation heat for molecules
Q|phys.mol.quadrupole                  |Molecular quadrupole
Q|phys.mol.quadrupole.electric         |Molecular electric quadrupole moment
S|phys.mol.rotation                    |Molecular rotation
S|phys.mol.vibration                   |Molecular vibration
S|phys.particle.neutrino               |Related to neutrino
E|phys.polarization                    |Polarization degree (or percentage)
Q|phys.polarization.circular           |Circular polarization
Q|phys.polarization.linear             |Linear polarization
Q|phys.polarization.rotMeasure         |Rotation measure polarization
Q|phys.polarization.stokes             |Stokes polarization
Q|phys.pressure                        |Pressure
Q|phys.recombination.coeff             |Recombination coefficient
Q|phys.refractIndex                    |Refraction index
Q|phys.size                            |Linear size, length (not angular)
Q|phys.size.axisRatio                  |Axis ratio (a/b) or (b/a)
Q|phys.size.diameter                   |Diameter
Q|phys.size.radius                     |Radius
Q|phys.size.smajAxis                   |Linear semi major axis
Q|phys.size.sminAxis                   |Linear semi minor axis
Q|phys.temperature                     |Temperature
Q|phys.temperature.effective           |Effective temperature
Q|phys.temperature.electron            |Electron temperature
Q|phys.transmission                    |Transmission (of filter, instrument, ...)
V|phys.veloc                           |Space velocity
Q|phys.veloc.ang                       |Angular velocity
Q|phys.veloc.dispersion                |Velocity dispersion
Q|phys.veloc.escape                    |Escape velocity
Q|phys.veloc.expansion                 |Expansion velocity
Q|phys.veloc.microTurb                 |Microturbulence velocity
Q|phys.veloc.orbital                   |Orbital velocity
Q|phys.veloc.pulsat                    |Pulsational velocity
Q|phys.veloc.rotat                     |Rotational velocity
Q|phys.veloc.transverse                |Transverse / tangential velocity
Q|phys.virial                          |Related to virial quantities (mass, radius, ..)
Q|pos                                  |Position and coordinates
Q|pos.angDistance                      |Angular distance, elongation
Q|pos.angResolution                    |Angular resolution
Q|pos.az                               |Position in alt-azimutal frame
Q|pos.az.alt                           |Alt-azimutal altitude
Q|pos.az.azi                           |Alt-azimutal azimut
Q|pos.az.zd                            |Alt-azimutal zenith distance
S|pos.barycenter                       |Barycenter
S|pos.bodyrc                           |Body related coordinates
Q|pos.bodyrc.alt                       |Body related coordinate (altitude on the body)
Q|pos.bodyrc.lat                       |Body related coordinate (latitude on the body)
Q|pos.bodyrc.long                      |Body related coordinate (longitude on the body)
S|pos.cartesian                        |Cartesian (rectangular) coordinates
Q|pos.cartesian.x                      |Cartesian coordinate along the x-axis
Q|pos.cartesian.y                      |Cartesian coordinate along the y-axis
Q|pos.cartesian.z                      |Cartesian coordinate along the z-axis
S|pos.cmb                              |Cosmic Microwave Background reference frame
Q|pos.dirCos                           |Direction cosine
V|pos.distance                         |Linear distance
S|pos.earth                            |Coordinates related to Earth
Q|pos.earth.altitude                   |Altitude, height on Earth  above sea level
Q|pos.earth.lat                        |Latitude on Earth
Q|pos.earth.lon                        |Longitude on Earth
S|pos.ecliptic                         |Ecliptic coordinates
Q|pos.ecliptic.lat                     |Ecliptic latitude
Q|pos.ecliptic.lon                     |Ecliptic longitude
S|pos.eop                              |Earth orientation parameters
Q|pos.eop.nutation                     |Earth nutation
Q|pos.ephem                            |Ephemeris
S|pos.eq                               |Equatorial coordinates
Q|pos.eq.dec                           |Declination in equatorial coordinates
Q|pos.eq.ha                            |Hour-angle
Q|pos.eq.ra                            |Right ascension in equatorial coordinates
Q|pos.eq.spd                           |South polar distance in equatorial coordinates
S|pos.errorEllipse                     |Positional error ellipse
Q|pos.frame                            |Reference frame used for positions
S|pos.galactic                         |Galactic coordinates
Q|pos.galactic.lat                     |Latitude in galactic coordinates
Q|pos.galactic.lon                     |Longitude in galactic coordinates
S|pos.galactocentric                   |Galactocentric coordinate system
S|pos.geocentric                       |Geocentric coordinate system
Q|pos.healpix                          |Hierarchical Equal Area IsoLatitude Pixelization
S|pos.heliocentric                     |Heliocentric position coordinate (solar system bodies)
Q|pos.HTM                              |Hierarchical Triangular Mesh
S|pos.lambert                          |Lambert projection
S|pos.lg                               |Local Group reference frame
S|pos.lsr                              |Local Standard of Rest reference frame
Q|pos.lunar                            |Lunar coordinates
Q|pos.lunar.occult                     |Occultation by lunar limb
Q|pos.parallax                         |Parallax
Q|pos.parallax.dyn                     |Dynamical parallax
Q|pos.parallax.phot                    |Photometric parallaxes
Q|pos.parallax.spect                   |Spectroscopic parallax
Q|pos.parallax.trig                    |Trigonometric parallax
Q|pos.phaseAng                         |Phase angle, e.g. elongation of earth from sun as seen from a third cel. object
V|pos.pm                               |Proper motion
Q|pos.posAng                           |Position angle of a given vector
V|pos.precess                          |Precession (in equatorial coordinates)
S|pos.supergalactic                    |Supergalactic coordinates
Q|pos.supergalactic.lat                |Latitude in supergalactic coordinates
Q|pos.supergalactic.lon                |Longitude in supergalactic coordinates
P|pos.wcs                              |WCS keywords
P|pos.wcs.cdmatrix                     |WCS CDMATRIX
P|pos.wcs.crpix                        |WCS CRPIX
P|pos.wcs.crval                        |WCS CRVAL
P|pos.wcs.ctype                        |WCS CTYPE
P|pos.wcs.naxes                        |WCS NAXES
P|pos.wcs.naxis                        |WCS NAXIS
P|pos.wcs.scale                        |WCS scale or scale of an image
Q|spect                                |Spectroscopy
Q|spect.binSize                        |Spectral bin size
S|spect.continuum                      |Continuum spectrum
Q|spect.dopplerParam                   |Doppler parameter b
E|spect.dopplerVeloc                   |Radial velocity, derived from the shift of some spectral feature
E|spect.dopplerVeloc.opt               |Radial velocity derived from a wavelength shift using the optical convention
E|spect.dopplerVeloc.radio             |Radial velocity derived from a frequency shift using the radio convention
E|spect.index                          |Spectral index
S|spect.line                           |Spectral line
E|spect.line.asymmetry                 |Line asymmetry
E|spect.line.broad                     |Spectral line broadening
Q|spect.line.broad.Stark               |Stark line broadening coefficient
E|spect.line.broad.Zeeman              |Zeeman broadening
E|spect.line.eqWidth                   |Line equivalent width
E|spect.line.intensity                 |Line intensity
E|spect.line.profile                   |Line profile
Q|spect.line.strength                  |Spectral line strength S
E|spect.line.width                     |Spectral line fwhm
Q|spect.resolution                     |Spectral (or velocity) resolution
S|src                                  |Observed source viewed on the sky
S|src.calib                            |Calibration source
S|src.calib.guideStar                  |Guide star
Q|src.class                            |Source classification (star, galaxy, cluster...)
Q|src.class.color                      |Color classification
Q|src.class.distance                   |Distance class e.g. Abell
Q|src.class.luminosity                 |Luminosity class
Q|src.class.richness                   |Richness class e.g. Abell
Q|src.class.starGalaxy                 |Star/galaxy discriminator, stellarity index
Q|src.class.struct                     |Structure classification e.g. Bautz-Morgan
Q|src.density                          |Density of sources
Q|src.ellipticity                      |Source ellipticity
Q|src.impactParam                      |Impact parameter
Q|src.morph                            |Morphology structure
Q|src.morph.param                      |Morphological parameter
Q|src.morph.scLength                   |Scale length for a galactic component (disc or bulge)
Q|src.morph.type                       |Hubble morphological type (galaxies)
S|src.net                              |Qualifier indicating that a quantity (e.g. flux) is background subtracted rather than total
Q|src.orbital                          |Orbital parameters
Q|src.orbital.eccentricity             |Orbit eccentricity
Q|src.orbital.inclination              |Orbit inclination
Q|src.orbital.meanAnomaly              |Orbit mean anomaly
Q|src.orbital.meanMotion               |Mean motion
Q|src.orbital.node                     |Ascending node
Q|src.orbital.periastron               |Periastron
Q|src.redshift                         |Redshift
Q|src.redshift.phot                    |Photometric redshift
Q|src.sample                           |Sample
Q|src.spType                           |Spectral type MK
Q|src.var                              |Variability of source
E|src.var.amplitude                    |Amplitude of variation
Q|src.var.index                        |Variability index
Q|src.var.pulse                        |Pulse
Q|stat                                 |Statistical parameters
Q|stat.Fourier                         |Fourier coefficient
Q|stat.Fourier.amplitude               |Amplitude Fourier coefficient
P|stat.correlation                     |Correlation between two parameters
P|stat.covariance                      |Covariance between two parameters
P|stat.error                           |Statistical error
P|stat.error.sys                       |Systematic error
Q|stat.filling                         |Filling factor (volume, time, ..)
Q|stat.fit                             |Fit
P|stat.fit.chi2                        |Chi2
P|stat.fit.dof                         |Degrees of freedom
P|stat.fit.goodness                    |Goodness or significance of fit
S|stat.fit.omc                         |Observed minus computed
Q|stat.fit.param                       |Parameter of fit
P|stat.fit.residual                    |Residual fit
P|stat.likelihood                      |Likelihood
S|stat.max                             |Maximum or upper limit
S|stat.mean                            |Mean, average value
S|stat.median                          |Median value
S|stat.min                             |Minimum or lowest limit
Q|stat.param                           |Parameter
Q|stat.probability                     |Probability
P|stat.snr                             |Signal to noise ratio
P|stat.stdev                           |Standard deviation
S|stat.uncalib                         |Qualifier of a generic incalibrated quantity
Q|stat.value                           |Miscellaneous value
P|stat.variance                        |Variance
P|stat.weight                          |Statistical weight
Q|time                                 |Time, generic quantity in units of time or date
Q|time.age                             |Age
Q|time.creation                        |Creation time/date (of dataset, file, catalogue,...)
Q|time.crossing                        |Crossing time
Q|time.duration                        |Interval of time describing the duration of a generic event or phenomenon
Q|time.end                             |End time/date of a generic event
Q|time.epoch                           |Instant of time related to a generic event (epoch, date, Julian date, time stamp/tag,...)
Q|time.equinox                         |Equinox
Q|time.interval                        |Time interval, time-bin, time elapsed between two events, not the duration of an event
Q|time.lifetime                        |Lifetime
Q|time.period                          |Period, interval of time between the recurrence of phases in a periodic phenomenon
Q|time.phase                           |Phase, position within a period
Q|time.processing                      |A time/date associated with the processing of data
Q|time.publiYear                       |Publication year
Q|time.relax                           |Relaxation time
Q|time.release                         |The time/date data is available to the public
Q|time.resolution                      |Time resolution
Q|time.scale                           |Timescale
Q|time.start                           |Start time/date of generic event